An echocardiogram is an ultrasound of your heart and it doesn’t need to be scary - it’s pretty cool actually. A probe with gel is placed onto your chest and the sonographer analyses all major cardiac structures. There is no radiation or side effects and the test provides your referring doctor with answers to important questions relating to your heart.
An electrocardiogram is a recording of your heart’s electrical activity via electrodes placed at particular points on the chest. It illustrates your rhythm, rate and strength of your electrical impulse as they move through the different parts of your heart. The standardised 12 lead ECG can help diagnose many heart related conditions. This process takes approximately 5 minutes.
Despite its cute name it's a small patient activated event monitor (the size of a 50 cent piece) that can be used for 1-4 weeks. It allows patients with intermittent symptoms to be able to capture an ECG at the exact time of your symptom. This is then analysed and a report generated for the referring doctor.